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Terms & Conditions

The website pixartdeco.com, hereinafter referred to as "pixartdeco.com", is owned and managed by the commercial company Pixart Deco S.R.L., with the following identification data:

- Unique Registration Code 47538120 - registered at the Trade Register under no. J23/598/2023

- registered office in Sos. Bucuresti-Targoviste. 256A, Camera 2, Buftea, Ilfov, Romania.

- E-mail: office@pixartdeco.com

Browsing on the website pixartdeco.com followed by the Order is equivalent to the reading, understanding and acceptance of the terms below by any Customer.

Pixartdeco.com reserves the right to change and update at any time the content of this site, as well as the Terms and Conditions of Use, without any prior notice.

In the event of any dispute or disagreement between pixartdeco.com and the Customer, the Terms and Conditions valid at the time of the Order shall apply.

1. Definitions

User - any person who visits the pixartdeco.com website.

Customer - the natural person / legal entity placing an Order.

Products and Services - any product or service mentioned in the Order, to be supplied by the Seller to the Customer.

Order - an electronic document which is a form of communication between the Seller and the Customer by which the Customer expresses his intention to purchase certain Products and Services and to make payment for them.

Seller - Pixart Deco S.R.L., with the following identification data: Unique Registration Code 47538120, registered at the Trade Register under no. J23/598/2023 with registered office in Sos. Bucuresti-Targoviste. 256A, Camera 2, Buftea, Ilfov, Romania. E-mail: office@pixartdeco.com

Contract - an Order confirmed by the Seller, whereby the Seller agrees to sell and deliver the Products and Services and the Customer agrees to purchase, receive and make payment for these Products and Services.

Courier - any person under public or private law providing express courier services.

Logistic Operator - any public or private person providing transport services.

2. Intellectual property rights

The content of the pixartdeco.com website: images, texts, web graphics, scripts, software, design rights, model rights, patents, trademarks, is entirely the property of Pixartdeco.com and its suppliers and is protected by the Copyright Act and related rights and by the laws on intellectual and industrial property. The use without pixartdeco.com's consent of any of the elements listed above is punishable by law. pixartdeco.com and the pixartdeco logo are registered trademarks of pixartdeco.com.

pixartdeco.com may grant the User/Customer, through an agreement, the right to use, in a described form, certain content of the site. This agreement applies strictly to the defined content(s), for a period set out in the agreement and only to the person(s) allowed to use such content(s), without being able to use other content(s) of the pixartdeco.com website.

The use on pixartdeco.com of any registered brand name does not constitute an advertisement for the respective company.Pixartdeco.com does not assume responsibility and cannot be held liable for damages arising from the use of the content of the site.

3. Disclaimer of liability

pixartdeco.com does not warrant that the site, the servers on which it is hosted, or e-mails sent from pixartdeco.com are free of viruses or other potentially harmful computer components, that they are free of errors, omissions, defects, delays or interruptions in operation or transmission, line failures or any other similar factors.The user uses the site at his/her own risk, pixartdeco.com being free from any liability for any direct or indirect damage caused by using or accessing/visiting the site or as a result of using the information on the site. pixartdeco.com is not responsible for errors or omissions that may occur in the writing or presentation of the materials on the site.

The information included on pixartdeco.com is for informational purposes only and is provided in good faith from sources the Seller believes to be reliable. If any of the published articles or any other information falls under the Law on copyright and related rights, the User is requested to inform the Seller at office@pixartdeco.com so that the necessary legal measures can be taken.

pixartdeco.com reserves the right to cancel Orders for Products and Services that are displayed on the site due to technical errors, or that, due to technical errors, show obviously erroneous/derivative prices for products (prices that any buyer with an average level of education can judge as erroneous/derivative).

pixartdeco.com, as the organizer of the promotional campaigns, does not assume responsibility for loss or damage to the campaign voucher, is not responsible for falsified or damaged vouchers and reserves the right to cancel the voucher used for the purchase or to subtract its value from the amount to be refunded, in case of return, according to the law, of a product participating in the campaign.

Any links to other sites are provided solely for the purpose of making the information more accessible, and Pixartdeco.com assumes no responsibility or liability for the content of these sites, for the products or services promoted or marketed through these sites.

4. Limit access to the site

Users of pixartdeco.com can make comments and any other communications, can send suggestions, questions or information, if their language is civilized, and the content of the communications is not illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, does not disturb in any way the private life of other people, does not infringe intellectual property rights, does not contain viruses, does not serve promotional campaigns not related to pixartdeco.com, is not mass e-mail or any other form of spam. Persons who use a false e-mail address or send electronic messages or any other communication in the name of another natural or legal person or in the name of any other entity will be reported to the competent authorities. pixartdeco.com does not assume any responsibility and will not be liable for any damages caused by such communications.

In the case of sending or displaying materials/documents involving texts, lines, reviews, etc., formulated by Users, it is considered that the User guarantees their originality and grants pixartdeco.com and its affiliates/associates the non-exclusive, unlimited, free, irrevocable and retransferable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works, as well as the right to distribute, present these contents anywhere in the world, by any means. The user guarantees that he/she has all the rights to the content that he/she displays or transmits on the site, by any means, so that, by using this content, he/she does not cause damage to any other natural or legal entity.

5. Prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal

The categories of personal data processed are: name and surname, telephone, address (home/residence), e-mail.

When a User creates an account on pixartdeco.com, he/she will receive commercial communications from pixartdeco.com.

The data collected regarding newsletters and alerts are confidential. pixartdeco.com will be able to select the Users to whom it will send newsletters and alerts.

According to the Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as amended and supplemented, and the Law no. 506/2004 on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, Pixartdeco.com is obliged to process in secure conditions and only for the specified purposes the personal data provided by Users.

The purpose of collecting personal data is: economic-financial management, advertising, marketing, publicity, statistics, electronic communication services, informing Customers about the status of their account on pixartdeco.com, informing Customers about the evolution and status of Orders.
Completion by Users of forms on the Site constitutes unconditional acceptance that such data will be included in the pixartdeco.com database and the use and processing by pixartdeco.com, their affiliates and collaborators for the performance of the activities listed above, including but not limited to marketing, courier, payment/banking service providers.


Customers are guaranteed the rights provided by Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, namely the right to information, the right of access to data, the right to intervene, the right to object, the right not to be subject to an individual decision, the right to take legal action in case of violation of their rights. Customers have the right to request the deletion of all or part of their personal data. The customer may request any of the rights listed above on the basis of a written request, signed and dated, submitted to pixartdeco.com

Refusal to provide such data shall make it impossible to honour Orders.

If the Customer modifies his personal data already delivered to Pixartdeco.com by using the forms on the site and there are Orders in progress, the Orders will keep the data from the moment of placing the Order and the delivery of the products will be made taking into account the newly modified data.

pixartdeco.com does not ask its Users by any means of communication (telephone/e-mail etc.) for confidential information, bank account data, personal passwords etc. If the User discloses them to third parties, he bears full responsibility for his actions. Thus, in cases of disclosure of such data, the User cannot hold Pixartdeco.com liable for any kind of damage.

6. Registering as a User

In order to create an account on the pixartdeco.com website, the User is obliged to use a valid e-mail address. pixartdeco.com may refuse the registration request if it finds that the User has used information that is not in conformity with reality or is using the services in a way that is not in conformity with normal usage.

7. Pricing

The final price paid by the Customer is made up of the price of the product + shipping and/or collection costs. Delivery prices are detailed on the website.

All prices for products and services sold through the website pixartdeco.com are expressed in Lei and contain 19% or 9% VAT.

8. Order

By completing the Order, the Customer guarantees that all the data provided are true and correct, otherwise he/she may bear the consequences of these errors (delayed Order, wrongly transmitted, etc.).

pixartdeco.com can not be held responsible for information entered incorrectly, which may result in delivery delays. In this context, all shipping charges incurred for the reshipment of the Order will be charged to the Customer.

By completing the Order, the Customer agrees that a pixartdeco.com representative may contact him/her by any available means agreed by the Parties (e-mail/telephone) for personal confirmation of the Order.

Confirmation of your Order shall be done by automatically sending an e-mail to the address associated with your Customer account. This e-mail is only an acknowledgement of receipt of your order request. Your contract to purchase these products is not complete until we send you an e-mail notifying you that the products have been shipped.

pixartdeco.com may refuse an Order following prior notice to the Customer, without any obligation between the parties and without either party being able to claim damages, for the following situations:

failure / invalidation of the online transaction;non-acceptance by the issuing bank of the Customer's card / transaction;

incomplete or incorrect data of the Customer;

Customer's activity may cause damage to pixartdeco.com website/partners;

consecutive failed deliveries;

other objective reasons: if the Customer does not guarantee that the payment method is valid and that it is not obtained by a fraudulent method or there are suspicions about the payment method.

Even if it has taken all measures to ensure that the information presented on this website is accurate and correct, pixartdeco.com cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies that may appear in the Customer's completion of the forms on the website for the completion of the Order. Users are responsible for evaluating the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information provided in the forms available on this site.

In certain situations and for justified reasons, pixartdeco.com reserves the right to modify the quantity of Goods and/or Services in the Order. In these situations pixartdeco.com will notify the Customer at the e-mail address or telephone number made available to the Seller when placing the Order and will refund the amount paid.

The contract is considered concluded between the Customer and pixartdeco.com when the Customer receives from pixartdeco.com, via electronic mail (e-mail) the notification of dispatch of the Order.

If a Good and/or Service ordered by the Customer cannot be delivered by pixartdeco.com, we undertake to inform the Customer of this fact and to return to the Customer's account the consideration for the Good and/or Service, within a maximum of 30 days from the date on which pixartdeco.com became aware of this fact or from the date on which the Customer expressly expressed his intention to terminate the Contract.

9. Invoicing - payments

The price, method of payment and payment term are specified in the Order. The Seller will issue an invoice to the Client for the Products and Services delivered, the Client's obligation being to provide all the necessary information to issue the invoice according to the legislation in force.

Payment can be made by cash on delivery.

10. Warranty

For the products purchased from the online shop pixartdeco.com we provide warranty in accordance with Law no. 449/2003.

Causes for loss of warranty:

Mechanical damage or deterioration; excessive exposure to solar radiation; lack or modification of the product series; modifications to the product; mechanical damage caused by hitting the product or damage to the marking with its model and series; flooding, fire, exposure to sunlight, electrical discharges, improper modifications or installations, unauthorized interventions;

pixartdeco.com does not offer warranties to Customers:

if the product purchased does not meet the Customer's requirements or expectations;

after the expiry of the period for which the Seller offers the product warranty;

if the replacement of non-conforming products or components is impossible to ensure, including due to the lack of related machinery or technology.

All other provisions contained in the legislation in force concerning the guarantee of the products sold are valid. Customers' rights are those provided for in the relevant legislation. The warranty does not extend to any damage caused by the use of the product.

The warranty conditions are in accordance with O.G. 21/1992 and law 449/2003, with subsequent additions and amendments.


11. Delivery

The delivery of the Order is made according to the conditions of the section Delivery of Products displayed on the first page of pixartdeco.com.
For all product categories, the maximum delivery time is 30 days from the date of order confirmation.


In case the Customer refuses to receive the ordered products without justified reasons, pixartdeco.com assumes the right to impose the payment of shipping costs by adding them to the value of future orders. The Customer will be informed of this additional cost before the shipment of the order which contains outstanding shipping charges.


For products in stock, delivery will be made via an agreed logistics operator. There is an interval of 12-24 hours between the registration of the order and its collection by the operator. Any additional delay will be communicated to the Customer and a new delivery date will be agreed with the Customer, which cannot exceed the maximum period mentioned above.


If the products are unavailable (including if the price or some characteristics of the products have changed after the Order confirmation), pixartdeco.com will inform the Customer about the unavailability and the amounts he has paid will be refunded within 14 days. The Customer may confirm the changes in the price or characteristics of the products, thus modifying the initial Order, and pixartdeco.com will deliver the products according to the modified Order.


11.1.Delivery conditions

At the request of pixartdeco.com or of the Courier/Logistic Operator, the Customer shall prove his identity, if necessary by one or more documents issued by official authorities and shall communicate the Order number assigned by the Seller.

If the Customer is unable to receive the Order in person, the Order will be left at the specified address only to a person over 18 years of age and only if the Courier/Logistic Operator communicates the Order number.

No request for delivery of an Order can be honoured if the Customer does not meet the above conditions.

In the case of delivery to the Customer's place of work, in which case the Courier/Logistic Operator cannot have access to the location, the Customer must ensure that he/she can receive the Order.

The Customer will be contacted by telephone by the Courier/Logistic Operator in advance to obtain confirmation of his presence at the address and time selected when validating the Order on the website.

The customer is obliged to be present at the indicated delivery address, within the selected time slot, otherwise he will be charged the transport fee for a possible new delivery. The time slot can be changed after the selection, only with the agreement of the courier.

Delivery is considered to be completed by pixartdeco.com, at the time of delivery of the products ordered to the Customer at the address selected by the Customer at the time of placing the Order.

11.2.Receipt of products

The customer is obliged to sign the delivery note (AWB)/proof of delivery presented by the courier/logistic operator upon delivery of the ordered products, to which is attached the invoice containing all the information about the delivered products (product name, quantity, price). The Customer will also check if the products are damaged or if there are any shortages, and any problems will be mentioned in holographic form on the delivery note, so that they can be taken into account.

By signing the delivery note, the Customer acknowledges receipt of the ordered products in good condition and in full.


12. Promotional campaigns

12.1. Promotional codes

Promotional codes offered by pixartdeco.com through any promotions are valid exclusively for the section mentioned in the e-mail sending the code, unless otherwise specified. Promotional codes can only be used at the time of placing the Order, they cannot be used to reduce the value of the Order after it has been placed.

Promotional codes cannot be applied to products that are already part of another promotional campaign or are already discounted. They are purchased at the price displayed on the website.

Only one promotional code can be used in an Order, the Order page does not allow the use of multiple codes in the same Order. For eligibility to a promotion, the shipping value is not taken into account, unless otherwise specified. Promotions that offer free or reduced shipping costs apply per delivery.

If a promotional code has been applied to an Order that could not be honoured or has been cancelled for any reason, the Customer has the right to request reactivation of the promotional code in question exclusively in writing, by e-mail to office@pixartdeco.com, containing the Order id, its status, the Customer's name and the promotional code. The promotional code shall be reactivated for a period in accordance with the period of validity of the regulation under which the promotional code operates.

Attention! Promotions on Pixartdeco.com are not cumulative. This applies to any form of discount (loyalty cards, promotional codes, gift vouchers, percentage discounts on the site, etc.) as a rule, except where otherwise stated in the promotion. Also, in the case of existing percentage vouchers, the holder of such a voucher cannot benefit from the cumulative discount conferred by the application of the percentage voucher to the discount already existing within a promotion. Certain promotional campaigns cannot be combined with other discounts, promotions or loyalty actions. This is specified in the rules of the respective campaign.
pixartdeco.com establishes unilaterally or in collaboration with some of its suppliers the rules of the promotions and contests it organizes on pixartdeco.com, which are published exclusively on the site. Promotions are applied to orders that fully comply with the rules posted on the site, within the validity period clearly mentioned and within the limit of available stock.Pixartdeco.com does not guarantee stock availability of products for the entire promotion period and may withdraw the promotion without prior notice.

12.2. Interruption of the promotional campaign

In the case of a promotional campaign organized by pixartdeco.com, it, as organizer, reserves the right to interrupt the promotional campaign at any time during the course of the campaign, with prior notice to consumers by appropriate means of communication.

The organizer reserves the right to change any of the conditions set out in the rules of the campaign in question, during the campaign period, for justified reasons, but not before notifying the public of these changes.

12.3 Vouchers / coupons / promotional codes

12.3.1 General provisions

Voucher = promotional code, promotional coupon.

Each voucher is identified by a voucher code and has various requirements to be valid and applicable. Please check carefully all details and information on the voucher so that the discount can be granted to you.

The value of each voucher is specified on it.

Shipping and handling charges apply to any product purchased, regardless of value unless otherwise stated in promotions, regulations etc. Thus, if a voucher imposes a certain minimum purchase value for certain products, the transport, handling, etc. charges also apply to these products. A voucher cannot be used to pay for taxes, delivery, handling or other services, unless otherwise agreed.
Any item, regardless of the promotion will have a minimum value, pixartdeco.com cannot sell products with zero value.


The customer will pay the tax to which he is legally obliged according to the promotion.

Vouchers are only valid if used on the pixartdeco.com website.

Vouchers prohibited by law will be considered void.

Vouchers are not for resale and cannot be converted into cash.

Vouchers cannot be replaced if lost, stolen or destroyed.

All fraud provisions mentioned on pixartdeco.com website are fully applicable to voucher fraud and attempted fraud will be reported to the appropriate authorities.

12.3.2 Conditions of application

Each voucher will be limited in such a way that more than one voucher from the same IP address/same address is not allowed.

Any promotion to which discount vouchers are applied is limited to one voucher per natural person or legal entity (identified as customer / user / user).

Each voucher is limited to a single use and is valid for a limited period of time, as stated in the related terms and conditions, in the voucher offer email and in the user account "vouchers" section, or as stated in each individual promotion/offer. pixartdeco.com reserves the right to modify or cancel these vouchers at any time, with prior notice to customers.

No voucher can be applied to other promotions/offers except those strictly mentioned in the respective offer.

If the products for which the voucher was granted and for which the customer qualified for the promotion have not been purchased, the voucher cannot be applied. For example, vouchers granted for certain products that are subsequently cancelled/returned by the customer cannot be considered valid, as they only take effect as a discount applied to those products actually paid for.

The voucher applies only to products/categories expressly mentioned as eligible in the promotion. Products that are excluded from the promotion are communicated in the terms and conditions or in certain regulations or special offers in the "exceptions" section. These exceptions include products that by law cannot be sold at a discount.

Promotional offers cannot be combined in the same order. Only one discount voucher can be used per order.

In the case of orders containing more than one product, the value of the discount voucher is allocated to each product depending on the weighted value of that product in the total order value, excluding shipping, handling and other service charges.

Any voucher will be valid from the date it is applied as a discount to the order already placed. A voucher cannot be applied to a previously placed order.

12.3.3 Cancellation, refusal, return order

In case of return of products purchased with a voucher, the discount granted may be deducted from the value of the return.

If an order to which a voucher discount has been applied is cancelled, rejected or returned in full, the customer will be refunded the full amount paid and the voucher will lose its validity and cannot be reactivated.

If an order to which a voucher discount has been applied and which contains several products is cancelled, rejected or partially returned, the discount granted by applying the voucher cannot be applied to the other products remaining in the order if the order value does not meet the conditions of the offer/promotion. pixartdeco.com will not refund the value allocated from the voucher for cancelled, rejected or returned products that are part of an order with multiple products. The customer will be refunded the amount paid for the products.

12.4 Gift campaigns


Any promotion in which a gift product is offered is limited to one order per natural person or legal entity (identified as customer/user/user).

If an order for which a gift product is offered is rejected or returned in full, the customer is obliged to return the gift product in its original, undamaged and unsealed condition. The full conditions of return can be found in point 13. Return policy.

13. Return policy. Right of withdrawal

13.1 General conditions

pixartdeco.com offers the possibility to return products to customers who notify their intention within a maximum of 30 calendar days after receiving the parcel.

The return of the parcel is made exclusively by payment of costs by the Customer. Products can be returned by any courier company that ensures the delivery of the return package to the Merchant's address. The address to which return parcels are sent is sos Bucuresti-Targoviste, nr. 256 A, Buftea, Ilfov.

In case of withdrawal from the contract, the customer is obliged to return the purchased products within a maximum of 30 days from the date of withdrawal from the contract.

Terms and conditions for returning products

The customer is obliged to notify pixartdeco.com of his intention to return the purchased products, by email to office@pixartdeco.com within a maximum of 30 calendar days from receipt of the products. Otherwise, pixartdeco.com may refuse the parcel.

Conditions for returning products

In any case of return of products, they must be in the same condition in which they were sent to the Customer, in the original packaging, with the labels intact and with all the documents that accompanied it. Returned products must be in the same condition as when they were received: without defects (except for hidden defects and except for defects already reported by the Customer in correspondence with pixartdeco.com).

Returned products must respect the initial values written on the packaging. Products that have already been used and cannot be resold are not accepted for return.

In accordance with the law in force, pixartdeco.com reserves the right not to accept the return of products which, by their nature, cannot be returned or which may degrade (perishable) or deteriorate rapidly.

Products that constitute a set must be returned as a set.

If an order for which a gift product was offered is returned in full, the customer is obliged to return the gift product in its original, undamaged and unsealed condition. The conditions of the promotional campaigns can be found in point 12. Promotional Campaigns and more specifically point 12.4 Gift campaigns.

Money back terms

For full returns of orders, the Customer shall receive the money for the returned products and the cost of transport originally paid within 14 calendar days from the date on which pixartdeco.com is informed by the Customer of his decision to return the products.

After validation of the return, the customer may receive, at his option, the value of the products in the form of a voucher that he may use within 14 days from the date of confirmation of receipt of the return by pixartdeco.com. After this date, the coupon loses its validity.

13.2. Right of withdrawal


In accordance with the Emergency Ordinance No. 34/2014 on consumer rights in contracts concluded with professionals, as well as for the amendment and completion of some normative acts, the Customer has the following rights and obligations concerning the withdrawal from the contract concluded at a distance:

The Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract before the expiry of the withdrawal period, without having to justify the decision to withdraw and without incurring any costs other than those provided for in Article 13(3) and Article 14 of GEO No. 34/2014, within 30 days from the day on which he/she takes physical possession of the product. The return costs are borne by the Customer.
The customer is obliged to return only those products that are in the same condition in which they were delivered (in the original packaging with all accessories, with intact labels and accompanying documents). We do not accept for return products that show physical alterations, dents, scratches, dents, shocks, traces of excessive use and / or unauthorized intervention, etc..

pixartdeco.com will reimburse the Customer for the value of the product within a maximum of 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the Customer informing pixartdeco.com of the decision to withdraw from the contract.

pixartdeco.com may postpone the refund of the product until the receipt of the sold product or until the receipt of a proof that the product has been shipped.

According to the law the following are exempted from the right of withdrawal from the Contract:

- contracts for the provision of services, after the complete provision of services, if the performance has begun with the express prior consent of the Customer and after the Customer has confirmed that he has become aware that he will lose the right of withdrawal after the complete performance of the Contract by the Seller;

- the supply of Goods and/or services whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial market which the Seller cannot control and which may occur during the withdrawal period;

- the supply of Goods made to specifications submitted by the Buyer or clearly customised;

- the supply of Goods which are likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly;

- the supply of sealed Goods which cannot be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene and which have been unsealed by the Buyer;

- the supply of Goods which are, after delivery, according to their nature, inseparably mixed with other items;

- contracts in the case of which the Customer has specifically requested the Seller to come to his home to carry out urgent repair or maintenance work. If, on the occasion of such a visit, the Seller provides services other than those expressly requested by the Buyer or supplies Goods other than spare parts indispensable for the performance of maintenance or repair work, the right of withdrawal shall apply to such additional Services or Goods;

- the supply of sealed audio or video recordings which have been unsealed after delivery;

- the supply of newspapers, periodicals and magazines, with the exception of subscription contracts for the supply of such publications;

- the supply of digital content that is not delivered on a tangible medium, if the provision has begun with the Customer's express prior consent and after the Customer has confirmed that he is aware that he will lose his right of withdrawal. These limitations apply according to GEO 34/2014 art. 16;

Exercise of the right of withdrawal

If the Customer requests withdrawal from the Contract within the legal withdrawal period, if the Order is paid, pixartdeco.com undertakes to return the amount within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the Customer's notification of its decision to withdraw from the Contract. The amount will be refunded as follows:

1. for Orders paid by online card ->by refund to the account from which the payment was made;

2. for Orders paid by Op/Remittance/ Transfer/ Bank Card-> by bank transfer;

3. The customer will inform pixartdeco.com of his/her intention to withdraw from the contract by filling in a return form.

14. Force majeure

Neither contractual party can be held liable for non-performance (total/partial) or late performance of its obligations, if these were caused by force majeure. The parties shall immediately inform each other of the case of force majeure and take all necessary measures to limit the consequences of the event.

If the force majeure event does not cease within 15 days, the parties have the right to unilaterally terminate the contract without claiming damages.

Force majeure shall be proved in accordance with the law.

15. Dispute resolution. Applicable law

The contract will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Romanian law. Any dispute arising between pixartdeco.com and the Customer shall be settled amicably. If this is not possible, the first way of solution is mediation, in accordance with the law, and if this fails, recourse shall be made to the competent Romanian courts of the Customer's domicile.

16. Fraud

The creation of multiple accounts using such automatically generated addresses that expire after a predefined period, in order to benefit from promotions or offers, or any fraudulent behaviour capable of affecting the smooth running of the campaigns, is prohibited and will be considered an attempt at fraud. The owner of pixartdeco.com reserves the right to suspend the accounts thus created and to withdraw the benefits of promotions or offers in progress, to cancel the account without notice, notification, other formalities or compensation.

Any attempt at fraud or any fraud (such as but not limited to: accessing pixartdeco.com customer data, altering the content of the site, attempting to affect the performance of pixartdeco.com servers, hijacking the content of deliveries to third parties, etc.) will be punishable under criminal law.

17. Final provisions

If any of the above clauses are found to be void or invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining clauses.

The terms and conditions presented comply with the legislation in force: Law 365/2002 on electronic commerce and Law 51/2003 for the approval of O.G. 130/2000 on the legal regime of distance contracts.

Updated on 22.02.2023: Pixart Deco S.R.L.- pixartdeco.com.